The quotes selected for this post are related specifically to individual flourishing or personal development. I will follow this up later with a selection of quotes relating to the social conditions that favour human flourishing.
Rather than selecting the most inspirational quotes I can think of, I have selected quotes that seem to support what I hope is a coherent set of propositions about human flourishing.
1. Happiness is the Final End to Which Humans Are Naturally Attracted
2. Reflection Tells Us That There Is More to Happiness Than Having a Successful Life
3. Human Flourishing Is the Exercise of Practical Reason to Actualize Human Potential
4. We Feel Elevated When We Contemplate the natural Beauty of Our World and the Kindness of Other Humans
5. We Are Responsible For Setting the Internal Rules That Determine Our Behavior
6. Individuals Flourish as Their Reason and Emotions Learn to Work Together in Harmony
7. Unpleasant Thoughts and Feelings Are a Natural Part of Life
“As you open up and make space for these feelings, you will find they bother you much less, and they ‘move on’ much more rapidly, instead of ‘hanging around’ and disturbing you.” p 45. “A rich, full and meaningful life comes about through accepting your thoughts and feelings instead of fighting them, and taking effective action, guided by your deepest values.” p 74. - Russ Harris, MD, The Happiness Trap, 2007.
8. Grant Yourself The Freedom to Persue Your Goals
9. You Get to Choose Whether to be Content With Past Achievement or to Stoke Motivation
10. Be Yourself!
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