In my opinion, many modern people are hurting from a lack of beauty, meaning and wisdom in their lives. I myself sometimes get stuck in the cultural doldrums and begin to forget what is important. Beautiful things lift the spirit. Meaning gives our lives true purpose. Wisdom helps us to live well.
Our current situation is not always helped by popular culture, which with some exceptions, isn't particularly beautiful, meaningful or wise. If we want independence from the toxic values of popular culture, there are things we can do to counterbalance those toxic values. Here are 5 suggestions for counterbalancing today's barren cultural landscape:
1. Nature
Sharon Blackie talks about this type of enchantment grounded in the natural world in her book The Enchanted Life: Unlocking the Magic of the Everyday, in which we take time to explore and revel in nature:
Because enchantment, by my definition, has nothing to do with fantasy, or escapism, or magical thinking: it is founded on a vivid sense of belongingness to a rich and many-layered world; a profound and whole-hearted participation in the adventure of life...It respects wild things, recognizes the wisdom of the crow, seeks out the medicine of plants. It rummages and roots on the wild edges, but comes home to an enchanted home and garden. It is engaged with the small, the local, the ethical; enchanted living is slow living.
2. History
We can immerse ourselves in history by reading about it, talking to older people about their experiences, learning about our genealogy, taking part in history related events, and visiting historic sites.
An added bonus to visiting historic sites is that many have beautiful architecture and manicured gardens. We also get to experience going somewhere new and exploring, even if that place is relatively close to our home. Going new places expands our horizons.
3. The Sacred and Spiritual
Even if we are not religious, we can get a sense of the sacred and deeper meaning to life by immersing ourselves in nature or having some similar transcendent experience.
4. Reading
Reading about topics that are meaningful and important to is one way to counteract the flow of non-meaningful information that comes via mass culture.
As a librarian, I would be remiss not to point out that you can get many books through your local public library where you don't have to pay for them.
5. Classical Music
Something about Classical music for me brings together all of the other things on the list above: beauty, history, the sacred, and a sense of wonder.
*Post contains Amazon associate links. I may earn a small commission for any books purchased.
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