One reason which isn’t always mentioned though, is that reading can teach and reinforce to kids the importance of moral values. I particularly like to read wholesome books that will teach my kids about having a good character.
I am a children’s librarian, so I’m exposed to a lot of kid’s books at work. That’s a good thing, because now that I’m a parent, I’m really into finding the best books to read to my kids! I’m always on the lookout for books about positive values to checkout from the library, and if they are especially good, to add to our home collection.
There are so many children’s books to choose from, but I’ve done the work of unearthing these 5 character education gems for you. Some I own and love, and others I plan to get when my kids are old enough to benefit from them:
1. The Children’s Book of Virtues (Ages 3-9)
What parents love about it: Beautiful illustrations, very entertaining, and brings timeless values to a new generation. One Mom on Amazon said:
I had this book as a child, and I can honestly read the stories and feel how they did help me develop the values they teach. Of course, mine was destroyed because I was so in love with it and brought it everywhere! My mom had to throw it away, so now it’s time for my boy to read these stories and hope he grows into the greatest he can be!
2. Have You Filled a Bucket Today? (Ages 3-9)
What parent’s love about it: Great for teaching empathy, kindness and creating a positive environment in the home, classroom, and community.
We have this book and read it often. My 4 year old son really likes reading it, and it sometimes sparks discussions about how to deal with negative people.
3. Mason’s Greatest Gems (Ages 5-10)
What parents love about it: The wholesomeness of the story, and that it comes with printables that you can download. Rachel, who reviewed the book on Amazon had this to say about it:
This is one of the best children’s books I have ever read. I thought the book was exceptionally well written. The word choice is unique and descriptive. It is an engaging story line for both the adult and the child, yet it provides a concrete way to teach an abstract concept–one that greatly benefits both the child and everyone with whom he or she interacts. My daughter is 9 and enjoyed it very much along with the printable downloads. As a special education teacher, I could see how this book would appeal to a wide variety of ages and apply to many different circumstances. It was apparent that much time, thought, love, and energy went into this beautiful book. The illustrations were also superb.
4. 10 Minute Life Lessons For Kids: 52 Fun and Simple Games to Teach Your Child Honesty, Trust, Love, and Other Important Values (Ages 3-8)
What parents love about it: In our busy lives, these activities are easy to implement in a short amount of time and still have the potential to make a lasting impact. Kids want to do them over and over again. One parent who reviewed the book on Amazon had this to say about it:
My family and I played the first activity in the book about what things do you think you cannot live without. Once we got to the part where you have to eliminate items on the list that you can live without, it was very interesting to see the choices made. My son actually chose toys, electronics, etc first. I guess I am setting a good example and teaching him what is most valuable and that is love and family!!
5. What Do You Stand For? For Teens: A Guide To Building Character (Ages 12-18)
Teens need guidance to build strong, positive character traits—but they can build their own if given the proper tools. This book invites tweens and teens to explore and practice honesty, kindness, empathy, integrity, tolerance, patience, respect, and more. The book will challenge readers to think about, discuss, and debate positive traits. Activities invite them to explore what they stand for at school, at home, and in their communities. True stories profile real kids who exemplify good character traits.
What parents love about it: Using it for family discussions, helping teens to become more productive and responsible. It also includes a resource section of other character-building books, organizations, programs, and websites. One Mom who gave it a 5 star review said this about it in on Amazon:
I bought this for my 12 year old daughter who is struggling with a bad attitude and poor decision making. She read a chapter each night and, though she didn’t have much to say when I asked her about it, she finished the book and is actually reading it again. I have noticed an improvement in her behavior and consideration of others.
That’s it for now. I hope this post will help all of you connect with some great reading material for your kids!
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